Above: White Campion in Oak Savanna on June 8, 2019.
White Campion - Silene latifolia
White Campion is common in waste places and disturbed sites in both urban and rural areas.
Flowers open at night and release a sweet scent, attracting moths for pollination. They usually close (retreat into the calax) by noon or possibly later if it is cloudy.
Note: Male and female flowers are on separate plants. The male flower has a purple calyx (pod/sack) that is more slender than the female calax and it has 10 pale yellow pale yellow stamens that extend to or a little past the opening of the floral tube. The female flower has a calyx that is inflated, spherical, and green. It has white stamens that elongate and curl out over the collar of the floral tube.
Other names for White Campion: White Cockle, Evening Lychnis - Silene latifolia. In the United States it is sometimes known as bladder campion that should not be confused with Silene vulgaris.
Above: White Campion in woods between Marion Dunn and Oak Savanna on June 8, 2019.
Above: White Campion on banks of Retaining Pond on August 1, 2019. Note: in the above photo, the White Campion has a purple calyx and pale yellow stamens which identifies it as male.
Above: White Campion in Oak Savanna on September 19, 2018.
For more information on White Campion, visit Wikipedia.
Or, for information on White Campion (Silene latifolia) visit the: Wisconsin State Herbarium. NOTE: This website refers to Silene latifolia as Bladder Campion which should not be confused with Silene vulgaris.
White Campion
Silene latifolia (formerly Melandrium album)
Above: White Campion White Campion in woods between Marion Dunn and Oak Savanna. (6/9/19)
Above: White Campion closed up for the day by Marion Dunn. (6/10/19)
Above: White Campion on banks of Retaining Pond (purple male calyx and pale yellow stamens). (6/12/19)
Above: White Campion in Oak Savanna. (6/16/19)
Above: White Campion on the banks of the retaining pond (purple male calyx and pale yellow stamens). (6/17/19)
Above: White Campion in Oak Savanna. (6/19/19)
Above: White Campion on the banks of the retaining pond (purple male calyx and pale yellow stamens). (6/20/19)
Above: White Campion by Marion Dunn Pond. (6/20/19)
Above: White Campion in Oak Savanna. (6/22/19)
Above: White Campion in Oak Savanna (purple male calyx and pale yellow stamens). (6/24/19)
Above: White Campion by Marion Dunn Pond. (6/24/19)
Above: White Campion in Oak Savanna. (6/24/19)
Above: White Campion in Oak Savanna. (6/27/19)
Above: White Campion in Oak Savanna (purple male calyx and pale yellow stamens). (6/30/19)
Above: White Campion blooming on the bank of the retaining pond. (6/02/20)
Above: Vintage White Campion botanical illustration circa 1796.
Above: Starry Campion blooming in Nakoma Park. (7/14/20)
Above: Bladder Campion (8/26/21)