Above: Michigan Lily in Oak Savanna in Madison, Wisconsin. (7/04/20).
Michigan Lily - Lilium michiganense
A native wildflower, the Michigan Lily grows from 3' - 6' tall in meadows and along streambanks, bogs and woods.
The nodding flower is orange with spots with six highly recurved tepals. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental.
The Michigan lily is often confused with the Turk's cap lily (Lilium superbum) which often has a "green star" pattern at the base of the tepals and is not native to Wisconsin.
It is also confused with a naturalized Asian "Tiger Lily" Lilium lancifolium. The leaf arrangement of the Michigan lily is typically whorled, but sometimes alternate
just below the inflorescence and at the very base of stem.
Other names include: Turk's Cap Lily
Above: Michigan Lily in Oak Savanna in Madison, Wisconsin on July 4, 2020.
For more information on the Michigan Lily, visit Wikipedia.
Or, visit the UW-Madison Wisconsin State Herbarium website page about Michigan Lily.
Michigan Lily
Lilium michiganense
Above: Michigan Lily in University of Wisconsin Arboretum's Oak Savanna in Madison, Wisconsin on July 10, 2020.
Above: Michigan Lily in University of Wisconsin Arboretum's Curtis Prairie in Madison, Wisconsin on July 10, 2020.
Above: A Tiger Lily for comparison near the Duck Pond in Madison, Wisconsin on July 20, 2020. Note the purple/black bulbils on the axils of the leaves along the main stem.