Authentic Wisconsin.  Wisconsin State Fruit: Cranberry

The Wisconsin State Fruit is the cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon).

Wisconsin State Fruit (Vaccinium macrocarpon)- The cranberry was designated the state fruit by 2003 Wisconsin Act 174. The legislation was the culmination of a class project by fifth grade students from Trevor Grade School in Kenosha County, who decided that the cranberry, rather than the cherry, was the best candidate for Wisconsin’s state fruit. Wisconsin leads the nation in cranberry production, accounting for over half of the nation’s output. Cranberries are grown in 20 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties, primarily in the central part of the state.

For lots of information about cranberries visit:  The Wisconsin Cranberry Growers Association.

Buy Cranberry products at Amazon. (Click on image below to browse.)

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State Fruit

(Vaccinium macrocarpon)

Above: Discover Wisconsin Why Wisconsin Cranberry Country is #1 in the World.

Above: Sustainable cranberry growing. Wisconsin cranberry growers live, work, and raise families on their marshes, keeping the land healthy for generations to come.

Above: TravelingJules – Cranberry Harvest Experience - Touring a Cranberry Marsh in the Fall.

Above: Wisconsin is the world's largest producer of cranberries. Learn about the tart and tangy berry's unique history and see how cranberries are grown and harvested.

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