Authentic Wisconsin.  Devil's Beggarticks - Bidens frondosa

BDevil's Beggarticks on edge of woods between Oak Savanna and Marion Dunn Pond on September 6, 2019.

Above: Devil's Beggarticks on edge of woods between Oak Savanna and Marion Dunn Pond in Madison, Wisconsin. (9/6/19).

Devil's Beggarticks - Bidens frondosa

Devil's Beggarticks is a native plant that grows from 8" - 48" tall.

Devil's Beggartick prefer wet to moist; disturbed areas.

Devil's Beggarticks flowers are petal-less, have a yellow-orange center disk about 1/2 long to 3/4 inch wide made up of tiny 5-lobed disk flowers. Devil's Beggarticks bloom from late June to October.

Other Names: Common beggar-ticks

Bidens: derived from Latin bis, "twice," and dens, "tooth." Hence meaning "2-toothed" and referring to the bristles on the achenes.

For more information on the Devil's Beggarticks, visit Wikipedia.

Or, visit the UW-Madison Wisconsin State Herbarium website page about Devil's Beggarticks.

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Wisconsin Wildflowers

Devil's Beggarticks
Bidens frondosa

Devils Beggarticks  achenes.

Devils Beggarticks  achenes.

Above: Devils Beggarticks achenes (seeds) are mostly flat with with 2- bristly awns.

BDevil's Beggarticks on edge of woods between Oak Savanna and Marion Dunn Pond on September 6, 2019.

BDevil's Beggarticks on edge of woods between Oak Savanna and Marion Dunn Pond on September 6, 2019.

Above: Devil's Beggarticks on edge of woods between Oak Savanna and Marion Dunn Pond. (9/6/2019).

Devil's Beggarticks specimen collected in Superior, Wisconsin on August 29, 1910.

Above: Devil's Beggarticks specimen collected in Superior, Wisconsin. (8/29/1910).

Above: Devil's Beggarticks specimen collected in Crawford County, Wisconsin. (9/18/1960).

Devil's Beggarticks illustration from USDA.

Above: Bidens frondosa illustration from USDA.

Devil's Beggarticks.

Above: Bidens frondosa photo by Frank Mayfield, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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